League of Women Voters - Acton Area

League Happenings

Written by League of Women Voters, Acton Area | Dec 11, 2022 7:22:37 PM

What has the League of Women Voters been up to lately in Acton, Boxborough, Hudson, Littleton,  Maynard, and Stow?

On Election Day, volunteers from the League showed up as  Election Protectors in Leominster and Clinton. Volunteers for the Protect the Vote program assist voters who encounter any problems voting. This non-partisan program works to ensure that all eligible votes are counted.  Interested in volunteering? Sign up here. 

Members of the Community Newspaper Working Group are preparing for hosting a public workshop around the importance of community newspapers. Watch out for more information about this event after the new year. With the fall elections behind is, the Voter Engagement Committee is looking forward to events around Municipal elections in the spring, and other initiatives to get more people involved in local government. 


On December 7, the League held its annual Chat and Cheer celebration. Members gathered for some amazing food, good cheer,  and socializing (in-person, for the first time inseveral years) and heard from local legislators while collecting 204 pounds of  donations for the Acton Boxborough food pantry and Acton Housing Authority.

For more great events, check out our calendar.