2022-2023 Year in Review
Despite the challenges brought on by Covid-related restrictions, this year has been one of incredible productivity and progress. With restrictions easing, people are embracing the opportunity to interact in person once again, and life is slowly but surely returning to a sense of normalcy.
Let's take a stroll down memory lane and relive some of the most remarkable moments of the year, arranged in chronological order (well, mostly).
- Acton Area members had the incredible opportunity to participate in both virtual and in-person events at the National League of Women Voters Convention in Denver from June 24th to 26th, 2022.
- On June 30th, 2022, the Acton Area and Concord-Carlisle Leagues co-sponsored a forum for the primary candidates vying for the MA House of Reps 14th Middlesex seat, which was eventually won by Simon Cataldo. Held at the Chelmsford High School Performing Arts Center, the forum provided a platform for the candidates to present their ideas and engage with voters.
- During the fall of 2022, the Acton Area League participated in the annual scarecrow-contest fundraiser at Cucurbit Farm in Acton, which benefited NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). The league's entry, a realistic RBG scarecrow with an eerily lifelike face, won third prize. The creative team behind the masterpiece included a talented artist-friend who brought the scarecrow's face to life.
- At the Annual Acton Area fall meeting, also known as the opening meeting, held on September 14, 2022, members came together to form two groups with a focus on essential areas for the League's growth and impact. These groups included a voter engagement group and a civic education-civic engagement group, which aimed to make a significant difference in these critical areas throughout the League year.
The Acton Area League started its public-facing newsletter in October 2022. The newsletter was an way to keep citizens informed about upcoming elections, voting procedures, and League activities.
- The Voter Engagement Group was a force to be reckoned with, with many of its members actively involved in the Chelmsford candidate forum. Their efforts included a robust social media presence, providing a wealth of information on state and local elections, including details about candidates in all six of the League's member-towns.
- The group also co-sponsored a forum for candidates vying for the MA House 14th Middlesex seat, which was well-attended in-person and also streamed live on Concord Public Access TV. See the recording here.
- The group even created a short video titled "How to Get Involved", giving local citizens the basics on Town Meeting, local elections, and making change in their communities.
- The Acton Area League also sponsored successful local candidate forums in Acton, Boxborough, Hudson, and Maynard, with the Acton and Boxborough forums being particularly well-attended and receiving high marks from departing audience members.
- The Citizen Education group dedicated their efforts to addressing the need for trustworthy sources of local news, especially in communities that have lost their local newspapers. They held a highly successful workshop on February 4, 2023, at Acton Town Hall, with representatives from Bedford, Carlisle, and Concord sharing their various models for creating local news organizations. This workshop was followed up by a meeting in March 2023, where committed individuals came together to brainstorm and strategize the creation of a new local newspaper. The meeting was packed with attendees, and breakout group discussions were held to plan the nuts and bolts of this exciting project.
The Membership Outreach Group has been a driving force this year, actively engaging in outreach efforts to expand our League's membership. Their tireless work includes organizing numerous tabling events in Acton, Boxborough, Hudson, and Maynard, as well as distributing the League's informational brochure through Welcome Wagon bags to new residents. Their creative and innovative approach to outreach also includes hosting "just for fun" events at local restaurants in different member-towns, providing an opportunity for members and interested individuals to come together for good food and conversation.