League of Women Voters - Acton Area

Video Link - 14th Middlesex State Representative Candidate Forum

Written by League of Women Voters, Acton Area | Oct 15, 2022 1:19:21 PM

On Tuesday, October 11 the Leagues of Women Voters from Concord-Carlisle and the Acton Area held a Candidate Forum for the 14th Middlesex State Representative seat. The 14th Middlesex covers Carlisle and parts of Concord, Acton, and Chelmsford. Candidates Rod Cleaves (R) and Simon Cataldo (D) answered questions submitted by attendees live at the Harvey Wheeler Community Center in Concord. 

Missed the forum, but want to know more about the candidates before voting? Thank you to ConcordTV and ActonTV for recording and making these videos available. The video can be found at this link.